Monday, September 2, 2024

Strolling Through the (Theme) Park One Day - Last Day Ghost Town Alive!

Yes, I went to Ghost Town Alive yesterday, but I wanted to see the Hoedown that wrapped up the day and the last day of the event! This was unlike any theme park or event that I’ve attended! Labor Day was the last day of Ghost Town Alive at Knott’s Berry Farm. It began on June 14th and now it is time for Knott’s Scary Farm which begins on September 19th. It was after 2 p.m. when I arrived at Calico. What I found out was that the not-bank robbery used potatoes for the explosion given by the Mayfield Gang. The potatoes were from Professor Emmet Watts who mysteriously disappeared during the not-robbery. At that same time “Admiral” Catfish, displayed at Town Hall, ended up missing This had the interest of Professor Watts who wanted to use it for his electrical experiments. I really like the steampunk theme with the new characters. It reminds me a bit of the shuttered ride, Voyage to the Iron Reef, with Jules Verne-esque 3D adventures.  

Some of the hard working and beloved townsfolk of Calico at the group photo, Ghost Town Alive, author’s photo. 

His assistant, Phoebe Figglesworth, was in the town jail when I arrived. There were other characters who were jailed, but what was interesting was that the guests. They were fully involved in pleading for the prisoners to be free and distracting Deputy Clancy Cunningham. I also took notice that there were a few fans who had t-shirts that they had covered with signatures of all of the characters. It was like a rock concert in terms of fandom. Another thing to note was that there was a number of cosplayers. The only difference was that they would have a knapsack or other anachronism. 

Sheriff Skylar keeping hold of justice at Ghost Town, photo by the author. 

Also, there were moustaches drawn on many of the guest faces! Plus most of the guests know the townspeople of Calico. I’m not certain how they can keep track of all 47 characters. I did see online about cats that were found around Ghost Town, 9 of them, but I only found three. Moving the fire wagon through town was Fluke Mayfield, formerly fo the Mayfield Gang, now throwing buckets of water on young ones, with the wagon also sending out water sprays! So this all led to the Hoedown at the Calico Town Square at 4:30 p.m. This was moved from the Wilderness Dance Hall. It provided the space for everyone, but not much shade from the sun. 

Ghost Town Alive is now closed, but wait for next year!, author’s photo. 

The band came on stage and Judge Roy Bean presides over the ceremony. He said that “Admiral” Catfish would show up the next day. Then, there was dances pairing up lines.Following it was Fluke taking out Professor Watts’ invention. Phoebe warned that it would be dangerous. Once activated, it started to smoke, and there was even some smoke at the Calico Saloon roof! Fluke turned it off and was the hero of the day! All of the townsfolk gathered for a group photo and then it ended. Still, it was like a graduation or a family reunion, everyone was just hanging around to say goodbyes, give hugs, and hanshakes. This was something I haven’t seen at a theme park! I just thought that this was part of park admission, not a separate charged event, and more special. It seemed emotional for guests, not just happy, but like a long goodbye, and an exhausting labor of love for the people of Ghost Town. Next year, Ghost Town Alive, will be great to experience, don't be a stranger! 

#GhostTownAlive, #KnottsBerryFarm, #ProfessorEmmetWatts, #PhoebeFigglesworth, #SheriffSkylar, #DeputyClancy, #FlukeMayfield, #JudgeRoyBean 

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