Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Ark, “We Don’t Kill Our Own“, Review!

The eighth episode of The Ark has some hard truths and the resourceful crew again trying to save the ship! Re:cap - “It Can’t Be True”; Kelly is suddenly activated and almost kills Eva! Trust is able to deactivate her in time. The prime suspect is Ian, Lane’s clone, who is kept in a cell. A fight, staged, distracts the medlab staff, and Milos takes a jar of pills. Eva collapses, but Brice takes her to Dr. Marsh in time. He discovers that it is ricin. At the bio-dome, Garnet, Felix, and Kimi with Angus who finds the castor bean used to make ricin was hidden by Lati who starts to run. Kimi explains to Garnet that she and Lati are Federation operative hunters. Felix comes back having lost Lati. Kimi says Eva is Eastern Federation. A notification that Kelly has broken from her cell and was seen taking Alicia to the shuttle airlock. 

Garnet contacts Dr. Marsh and sends Felix to get him to the airlock. There, Garnet and Kimi find Lati ready to put in the command for Kelly to break the neck of Alicia! Kelly has Alicia in a headlock on her knees! Lati tells Kimi that they weren’t fast enough and that death is the only justice. Lati orders the captain to bring six months of supplies to the shuttle. She wants a chance out in space. Felix and Dr. Marsh show up, Lati threatens them, and the doctor slips the tranquilizer gun behind Garnet’s back. Garnet to tries to reach Kelly in her activated mode. This has been Kelly’s conflict if she is a machine or her own person. Lati gives the kill order, but Kelly doesn’t move. 

She breaks the hold of the implants, throws Alicia to the side, she throws a punch that Garnet ducks. Then, Garnet injects the tranquilizer to her neck! Felix slams Lati against the bulkhead and rips off her wrist control. Garnet reassures Alicia as Felix cuffs Lati. Sasha works at repairing the cell door control. Kelly says she wants her control device and for Dr. Marsh’s control to be destroyed. Garnet says Kelly has made it difficult to trust her. She does add that she took Dr. Marsh’s controller. Garnet talks to Trust, she thanks him, and he has started to change since Catrina. Garnet allows him out of his cell and he thanks her. Lati is taken to her cell and Kelly greets her! 

THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” -- RICHARD FLEESHMAN, REECE RITCHIE, PAVLE JERINIC -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Angus sees Alicia at her room and he apologizes for not being there for her. She says he was nervous throwing up during their intimacy. He admits he only kissed Kelly. She says she wasn’t intimate with Trent. Alicia says she wants her first time to be with someone she loves, awww. Felix finds Dr. Kabir at the punching bag. She pauses and says she thought she could forget about her ex-husband. He was a narcissist and abusive. Kabir says she feels loss of control when getting close. Also, she says he is always in her head. Powerful acting by Shalini Peiris. The show has drama that stands apart from the sci fi. Felix offers to help. He says he was bullied until he learned to defend himself. Felix shows her how to fight to get back her control. 

Eva is visited by Garnet and Lane at medbay. Garnet tells her Kimi has evidence that she is Eastern Federation. Eva admit it is true! Shocking admission, I thought this would take a few eps, she says they can trust her. Garnet confines her to quarters. Felix and Kimi walk her to quarters, Brice catches up to talk to her, he can’t believe it is true. She slips away her hands. Felix quietly takes her to her quarters. Kimi eyes Brice. “We Don’t Kill Our Own” is directed by Marc Roskin who had directed the first episode, “Failed Experiment.” It is written by India Sage Wilson, the writer of the bizarre “Museum of Death”! The Ark-1 is in FTL, at the conference table, Kimi says they did reveal Eva as Eastern Federation. 

Garnet says there will be no secret investigations wihout her notification. She wants to know all about Kimi’s investigation and if there is anyone else who could be Eastern Federation. She wants to talk to the captain privately, but Garnet orders her to tell them now. Kimi says seven years ago the Eastern Federation attacked the lunar colony. Lane says his father died in the attack. Kimi says that Lt. Brice was sent to stop the attack, but did not ordered by the Eastern Federation. She says her best friend, Maurisa Yi, was his co-pilot on the mission. He had said he doesn’t know her and then shows the picture of them together! She was killed, Brice survivied, investigated and he was demoted and suspended from duty. 

THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” -- JADRAN MALKOVICH, SHALINI PEIRIS -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

Lane asks him if it is true and Brice acknowledges it with a shrug. Brice stands up to apologize and Lane punches him in the face and stomach! A strong performance by Richard Fleeshman struggling with his past and the trust of his friends. Felix has to pull away Lane! Red pills are broken to make a jar of white powder by Milos and his clones. Lane is sulking as Brice tries to say he is not Eastern Federation. He explains that he was given the mission. Brice says he mentored Maurisa and then she was assigned as co-pilot on the mission by the GSA. They were to fly into the Eastern Federation ships and set off a bomb. A suicide mission, but he had the fatal Klamplins disease at the time. He didn’t want Maurisa to die. Instead, Brice tried to shoot down the Eastern Federation ships. I wonder what was the look of the GSA fighter craft. 

Lane is angry that he survived. Garnet says he has had enough punishment. Brice tries to talk to his best friend, but Lane doesn’t want to see him! At the medlab, Alicia talks privately to Dr. Kabir, she wants a birth control implant! Kabir is happy! She has to keep the volume of her excitement down. Alicia sits and Kabir gives her the injection on her arm. She doesn’t want the doctor to smile so much. This show is so perfect! Kabir offers to give her a checkup. At the biodome, Felix debriefs Angus at the biodome, Angus shows Felix the potato vodka invented by Lati and two glasses are poured. Felix takes a drink and says, “Good”, short and to the point. Sasha is working at engineering and sees the gash on Brice’s cheek and he explains he took a well deserved beating.

Brice admits he doesn’t know who is Eva. He takes some equipment back and Milos brings him in with a knife at his throat. Milos threatens Brice and pours the powder into the system. Brice is gagged by a clone and then falls unconscious. The clones put on breath masks as the powder is injected into the ventilation system. Lane is angry about Ian and his father as he talks with Garnet. The gas knocks out Lane. Garnet falls, but is about to crawl over to her drawer. She pulls out the control device and sets Kelly’s control to autonomous. Kelly is activated, Lati is unconscious, and shatters the control to open the door. She sees fallen crew members in the corridor thick with the powder! The clones enter the bridge. A mutiny by genetically superior people saved from their ship? A bit like the classic Star Trek ep, "Space Seed" (1967). Milos says the gas has dissipated and told the crew will wake up in eight hours. Milos orders the new destination.


THE ARK -- “It Can’t Be True” --  , SAMANTHA GLASSNER, STACEY READ, SHALINI PEIRIS -- Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY.

At the biodome, Felix and Angus, are the only ones active with a separate air system. Felix tries to contact Lane and Brice. At the med lab, Kelly tries to revive the fallen Kabir. She takes some adrenalin to inject Kabir who wakens. Kelly says everyone in the ship is down. She says her augmentation keeps her protected her and there seems to be a knockout gas. Kabir checks the air vent and suspects it could be Ditroxflurane, a sedative. Kabir injects Alicia with a lower dose of the adrenalin. The ship shudders as Alicia says they dropped out of FTL. On a console, Alicia finds the Ark-8 clones took over the ship. Kabir is going to make an antidote to use the air ducts. She revives Dr. Marsh. Alicia goes to the sub-engineering deck with Kelly who will protect her. They see two clones. Kelly walks to them to easily kill them. Brains and Brawn, the perfect duo! 

Alicia injects Brice and Sasha. Alicia is still angry at Eva since an Eastern Federation agent killed her mentor in the lab. She is locked out of the system. Brice goes with Sasha to move the shuttle and throw the ship from FTL. Brice asks if she will be alright. Alicia says, “Kelly’s got my back.” Alicia goes to hack into the system. Kelly hears something and walks out, taking out clone after clone with Terminator efficiency. She walks in to tell Alicia that she “neutralized them”, then Kelly collapses! Ian is knocked out and he is also injected with adrenalin by Milos. He helps Ian up and admits that he blew up the Ark-8 with the Gen-3 clones. He says there is a new course to “our planet.” Alicia gets out a spray on a towel. Kelly says Dr. Marsh says her implants would overheat being used too long. Ian is happy to be on the bridge. Ian tries to contact Niko. Felix and Angus are in the bio dome, he tries to contact the bridge and Milos answers him. 

The clone leader orders them to be killed. Dr. Marsh has developed the antidote with Kabir. The doctor has to find the transport agent, but there is not enough biopod. Dr. Marsh notes the diatomaceous earth in the bio diome. Kabir contacts Angus who has enough earth. She says the air is clear now and that Angus should bring as much earth he can bring. In the shuttle, Brice finds the shuttle locked down, he tries to use the failsafe with Sasha starting the engines. Two Ark-8 clones find the bio-dome is empty. Ian says that Captain Garnet has the command codes. Milos revives her at her quarters. He says he wants his people are safe. Garnet says they were safe on Ark-1. He says he will kill the non-clone crew if she doesn’t follow her. Garnet sees Ian. Milos says there is a new destination. He says someone locked out the command. Milos calls her a “GSA pawn.” He threatens to kill Lt. Lane. The Ark struggles with the truth about Lt. Brice and then a mutiny that can only be saved by the crew using their wits to defeat the clones! 

Five Compression Suits out of Five! 

#TheArk, #WeDontKillOurOwn, #MarcRoskin, #IndiaSageWilson, #ChristieBurke, #RichardFleeshman, #ReeceRitchie, #RyanAdams, #PavleJerinic, #StaceyRead, #ShaliniPeiris, #JadranMalkovich,  #DianaBermudez, #MilosCvetkovic, #KiernanMortell 

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